Nature Based Cities for Developers

Choose to major in nature for your ESD requirements.

Find out more

The price and rent premium for residential property co-located with green space is clear and growing, highlighting the opportunity for property developers and institutional property owners to drive commercial returns (as well as environmental and social value) by incorporating more green open space and trees.


average premium for park front
over the last 10 years


average premium for park front
over the last 10 years


park front property average
annual growth


almost twice the surrounding market
average annual growth of 5% pa

Source: Urbis, November 24

Apply for accreditation

Begin your Nature Based Cities accreditation application today. By becoming a Nature Based Cities accredited project, you will gain industry and consumer recognition of your projects nature-based approach. You will also gain access to exclusive branding material for your project to be easily identified as a Nature Based Cities accredited project.


Get in touch

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